The authors should submit the abstract before the deadline (based on the date provided on the homepage of ICIA2024.  


    • All abstracts will be adjudicated for inclusion in either the oral or poster presentation formats.
    • If you are not selected for an oral presentation you may be offered a poster.
    • Research that has been completed will be given priority for oral presentations.
    • Posters and abstracts presented elsewhere are allowed 
    • Oral presentations will be 8 minutes followed by a 5-minute question period.
    • Abstracts are 300 words maximum and should follow the format


Abstract Template


Author name1, Author name2, (student is the presenter and name is bolded and underlined)

1Author’s affiliation and full address: 12 point type, centered, italicized

2Author’s affiliation and full address: 12 point type, centered, italicized

Presenter’s e-mail address: 12 point type, centered, italicized


Purpose: The Purpose section must include a concise description of the background or rationale for the study, with the specific purposes, questions addressed, and/or hypotheses tested. Lengthy descriptions of rationale are not necessary or desirable.

Method: The Method section must describe the study design (qualitative, quantitative, multi and/or mixed methods) and general procedures including characteristics and numbers of participants and data collection methods. If the study does not involve primary data collection, information should be provided on the methods used to summarize previously reported data (e.g., narrative or systematic review, meta-analysis).

Results: The Results section should summarize findings as they apply directly to the stated purposes of the article. If the project is ongoing and no results are available at the time of submission, please include projected results.

Conclusions: The Conclusions section must state specifically the extent to which the stated purposes of the article have been met or, if the study is ongoing, the potential implications (theoretical and/or clinical) of the findings.

Keywords: Include the specific words or phrases (up to 6) that represent the main topics or themes discussed in the abstract of a research paper or article.